Finding a Futureproof Career
(Portable Skills)

Your path to a fun, successful career



8 lessons
1 hour each


Self-paced with Worksheets and Spreadsheets


Quizzes and Buddy Review 

Device Requirements


On Completion

NCFE-endorsed Certificate

About this course

David Jaffa, EdTech Entrepreneur

There are eight Portable Skills needed in every industry. There is likely to be at least one that is right for you. And going into one of these areas will futureproof your career. 

During this course you get hands on experience working for a hypothetical computer games company launching a new game. You will experience many different roles within the company and see which you like best. 

You will learn about...

  • Eight Portable Skills needed in every industry
  • Basic level skills - everyone is expected to have these
  • Higher level skills - enable you to be super-successful. 
  • How having a strong character helps you stand out from the crowd
  • Your personal strengths and preferences
  • Your strongest Portable Skill
Write your awesome label here.
The programme has been reviewed by a Subject Specialist and endorsed by NCFE.

Eight Portable Skills

There are eight Portable Skills needed in every industry.

The course has eight lessons of one hour each. Many lessons involve working on worksheets, three lessons include spreadsheets and one lesson includes a speech (a sales pitch). You will give and receive feedback from buddies. 


  • Introduction
  • Finance
  • Project Manager
  • Sales
  • Negotiation
  • Marketing
  • Information Technology
  • Customer Support

Course contents

created by

David Jaffa

Before National Talent Academy, David founded SAM Learning, an online learning tool used in hundreds of English secondary schools and Penda Learning, an online Science and Math tool for US schools that was sold in 2019. David has personally hired hundreds of people and knows what employers look for. David received the 2021 BETT Outstanding Achievement Award for his lifetime achievements in EdTech.