About Us
National Talent Academy
The National Talent Academy provides courses designed to help learners align their strengths and passions with the skills and character qualities that will always be needed in the workplace.
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Rory Graves
Rory works at Morgan Stanley and brings his skills as a certified Toastmaster to presentation skills teaching at NTA.
Maxine Jaffa
Maxine has a background in teaching and neuropsychology. Her book 'Emotion' is a collaboration with Mark Solms, Antonio Damasio and Oliver Sacks.
Thor Conklin
Thor has founded, bought and sold several multi-million dollar businesses and is a peak performance consultant to several multi-millionaire entrepreneurs.
Emily Cotterill
Emily specialises in developing resources for PSHE, Citizenship and Careers and has ten years of experience teaching in inner city schools.
Dick Tomlinson
Dick is an international educational and business consultant. Developed a school for 350 developmentally disadvantaged students in North Carolina.
David Jaffa
David founded SAM Learning, an online learning tool used in hundreds of schools, and received the BETT Outstanding Achievement Award 2021.