The Futureproof Careers Framework* was created by the Jaffa Foundation through partnerships with Alliance Manchester Business School, Morgan Stanley and Tower Hamlets’ schools.
Three Futureproof Careers Skills that will always be needed
At National Talent Academy, we take an unashamedly positive view of the future and try to counteract some of the negativity out there. But our eyes are wide open about the likely pace of change e.g. taxi drivers are right to worry that self-driving vehicles may take their jobs one day.
Why Futureproof Career Skills?
Futureproof Career Skills are those skills and character qualities that will ALWAYS be needed and valuable in the workplace, whatever the future may hold. With Futureproof Career Skills, young people are being prepared, so that change can actually work in their favour.
Young people should do something that...
Which skills will always be valuable?
Certain things that will always be valuable. For example, people will always value things they need that are rare, i.e. difficult to get hold of.
Three futureproof things...
Eight Portable Skills needed in every industry
When an industry is disrupted by change, people with Portable Skills simply move on to other industries that are growing.
Where do you fit?
Most young people are a good fit for at least one Portable Skill. And they need to identify which Portable Skills they like the sound of.
Most jobs are in companies
"82% of UK jobs are in private sector companies." - Office for National Statistics
Young people need a strong character to seize opportunities and bounce back from setbacks.
Entrepreneurs are a good example
Entprepreneurs need resilience to keep reinventing their model until their vision becomes a reality. But this doesn’t apply ONLY to entrepreneurs. EVERYONE needs proactivity and courage to thrive in a changing world.
Today’s young generation needs to be better at managing change and risk than older generations were. Financial education is more important for young people.
Financial Freedom Blueprint
What is meant by Financial Freedom? Why is it important for young people to think about? How can it be achieved?
Financial Freedom means having enough set aside to meet lifestyle expenses, such as a mortgage, even if you have a setback in your career. For many, this may seem like an impossible dream – but there is in fact a well-established formula to achieve this, and it works best when people start young.
Financial Freedom means having enough set aside to meet lifestyle expenses, such as a mortgage, even if you have a setback in your career. For many, this may seem like an impossible dream – but there is in fact a well-established formula to achieve this, and it works best when people start young.
2-step Financial Freedom Blueprint
Creative Commons License
The Futureproof Careers Framework and all associated images on this page are protected by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) International Public License.
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Why success is in learners' own hands
3 essential Futureproof Career Skills
8 Portable Skills needed in every industry
2-step Financial Freedom Blueprint
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